Halloween Party in GRC

Hi Gators!

We would like to say HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Trick or treat!! Halloween is here and it’s time for us to put on the costume and hunt for the treats!

To celebrate Halloween, GRC had a Halloween party last Friday, did you guys heard about it? It was really awesome and people had a lot of fun! The party came with delicious food and also a spooky themed dance party!

Here are a picture that we got from our amazing friends:

They were having a lot of fun!



















Those are our friends! People dressed up as their favorite characters from many different movies in that event!

As you can see on the photos, they are dressing up as different characters from their favorite movies! On the very right sight, you can see a character from the Harry Potter series!

You can also see three symbiotes from the new Marvel movie,Venom !On the left side is Ray from Star Wars!

So how about you Gators? Have you decided what to wear or become in Halloween? Please let us know in the comment section bellow!







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